IP targeting to enhance your marketing.

Identify and target key companies using their company IP address.

How IP targeting works

Identify company IP addresses using AccountInsight’s inbuilt IP sourcing and extensive database.

Target high-value accounts with tailored digital ads and show campaigns on sites you select.

Analyse accounts that engage with your campaign and website, then retarget or open sales conversations.

What is

IP targeting?

IP targeting uses a company’s shared IP address to target employees with relevant digital ads.

AccountInsight makes it simple to source and verify IP addresses, so you can be sure your campaigns reach the right people.

Why IP targeting 

Traditional cookie-targeting is falling out of favour. There are tighteр privacy restrictions and too much guesswork about audiences, and browsers have started phasing out third-party cookie data. This all means wasted paid clicks from poor-fit account.

IP targeting is precise, reaching key accounts only.

Users visits website

Device connect to website

Company IP address

website has inventory available

website communicates with ad exchange SSP

SSP passes user information to DSPs

Advertisers place bids via a DSP

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