In the world of online marketing, it’s long been known that content is king. In that same vein, knowing exactly what content is being consumed by your target accounts is key. Once you know this, you can ensure that you can get your adverts in front of them at the right time. It’s all about tracking customer intent in real time.
It’s important to know what kind of information and data it is that your accounts are searching for right now – before you put money into a B2B display advertising campaign. In fact, figuring out your customer’s intent will ensure you keep delivering timely adverts to them when they need it most.
A closer look at customer intent
Being able to reliably track account intent means you’re not wasting any of your budget showing adverts to companies that aren’t that interested. Intent essentially means that an account shows intent to buy through its employees’ product or service research activities. In the digital world, this is tracked through the websites they visit and the keywords used in the articles they view.
Using intent data as part of your account-based advertising will set you apart from your competition. This is because you’ll be the one whose adverts they see right when they’re feeling ready to enter the buying phase – rather than when they aren’t really interested or after they’ve already made a purchase.
No more haphazard marketing
Too often, advertising strategies show adverts to the highest number of people possible to get the most exposure possible. This, many believed, was what would bring in the best return on investment for your advertising campaign. Nowadays, we know that you don’t need to target a wide audience, you just have to target the right audience.
With access to intent data, you can focus directly on the portion of your target market that has shown that they want to buy what you’re selling. They’ve done some research, they’re confident in you and your company, and they’re eager to put money down. You’ve been able to send them targeted information to guide them along their buying journey, and you’ve nurtured a relationship that has led them to trust you in a sea of noise.
Advertise only to accounts that are ready to buy

The benefits of advertising only to accounts that are ready to buy are numerous. If you’re ready to start, then our solutions will perfectly meet your needs – and we’re able to fully tailor a package to the specific requirements that you have. Let us assist you in building your brand, and leveraging all the benefits of intent based marketing