Embracing B2B Display Advertising: A Competitive Advantage
If you haven’t yet tapped into B2B Display Advertising, now is the time to consider it as a pivotal competitive strategy. Contrarian vs. Consensus Decisions In decision-making, being right isn’t always enough and being contrarian can be key. Standing apart from the crowd ensures you capture all the benefits of your decisions, rather than blending […]
Google’s Cookie U-Turn: Why B2B Advertisers Still Need Specialised DSPs
Google’s recent announcement to continue supporting third-party cookies in Chrome, reversing its 2020 plan to phase them out, has stirred the digital advertising world. However, this decision doesn’t significantly impact the fundamental landscape for B2B marketers. The need for purpose-built B2B Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) remains critical. When we launched AccountInsight in 2018, our objective was […]